CA Quality Standards for Expanded Learning Programs
Point-of-Service Quality Standards
Programmatic Quality Standards

Safe & Supportive Environment

Active & Engaged Quality Standards
Program and design and activities reflect active, meaningful and engaging learning methods that promote collaboration and expand student horizons.

Skill Builiding

Youth Voice & Leadership

Healthy Choices & Behaviors
The program promotes student well-being through opportunities to learn about and practice balanced nutrition, physical activity and other healthy choices in an environment that supports a healthy life style.

Diversity, Access & Equity

Quality Staff
The program recruits and retains high quality staff and volunteers who are focused on creating a positive learning environment, and provides ongoing professional development based on assessed staff needs

Clear Vision, Mission & Purpose
The program has a clearly defined vision, mission, goals, and measurable outcomes that reflect broad stakeholder input and drive program design, implementation and improvement.

Collaborative Partnerships
The program intentionally builds and supports collaborative relationships among internal and external stakeholders, including families, schools and community, to achieve program goals.

Continuous Quality Improvement
The program uses data from multiple sources to assess its strengths and weaknesses in order to continuously improve program design, outcomes and impact.

Program Management